The name of the Boulder shooter is Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, who is reported to have ISIS ties.
20 hours ago, the left was beside themselves with glee that a caucasian had murdered 10 people in a grocery store.
Now the left are wailing and gnashing their teeth that it was the wrong kind of honkey while righties are gleeful that we have ISIS operating in Colorado.
The press have pivoted now to making excuses for him, saying he was mentally ill and bullied by White racists.
Posted by: Mauser at Thu Mar 25 22:49:36 2021 (Ix1l6)
ISIS operating in Blue cities and giving the residents thereof exactly what they voted for is quite schadenfreudalicious. We should ship all the illegals streaming into Texas up there as well.
Posted by: jabrwok at Fri Mar 26 13:36:10 2021 (T4WaI)
Wonderduck Update
I spoke with the Duck of Wonders yesterday. There were some complications, but he is finally out of the hospital and has moved on to Physical Therapy.
"I’m so old I can remember when Jeff Bezos was believed to have been a libertarian."
...which kind have set me off more than mere words should have.
Because, while i used to consider myself a libertarian, or at least libertarian-leaning back in the '90s,. Indeed, I could have typed that sentence with a straight face a few years ago, but now?
There is nothing un-libertarian about Bezos's decision, (at least not in practice, in THEORY this is an affront to the whole concept).
Libertarians (at least the Reason-Mag hipster-douche libertarians) seem to be fine with cancel culture as long as it's the 'squares' being cancelled.
Back when it was the fringe case of a patassier asking govt. not to force him to participate in a religious ceremony forbidden by his faith, the libertarian mantra was "Bake the damn cake!" Now we hear a lot of "Muh private biddness!" long as the view getting defenistrated is not a view approved of by the 'clerisy'.
They oppose the death penalty and implore us not to execute child-rapists, mass murderers or anyone. This has a very defensible argument behind it, particularly when one remembers how many people have been cleared of their charges after conviction...or if one just ponders the existence of the current Vice President. However, to libertarians it does not apply to a complete innocent that happens to be conceived inside a woman who finds her inconvenient.
Libertarians applaud the destruction of monuments and graves that memorialize our tragically misguided ancestors, because no time, context, nor cultural differences nor understanding can excuse the abhorrent practices of that age, but out the other corner of their mouth they lobby hard for 'frictionless' trade with China and every third world hellhole that cuts costs by substituting chains and a whip for paychecks.
They rail against tariffs with an intensity that would make Fitzhugh proud. When the human cost of the exporting of jobs is brought up, they, after a moment of bewilderment that anyone should care for such inferiors that would not see a job loss as OPPORTUNITY, roll out their Gartmans to explain to us in small condescending words how no one should be asked to subsidize the job of an idiot who can't compete. ( compete against the aforementioned slave labor that is). Someone's orientation should be respected (I agree!), unless one is a straight male or a lesbian then the libertarian chant of freedom is "Suck the d*** bigot!"consent be damned apparently. (I don't think Ayn Rand would approve.)
I used to consider myself a libertarian, considering it to be rooted in the enlightenment and not the style policing of upper-class mean girls. But I was young then and had not encountered the sneering disdain and contempt for...what exactly I'm not sure....perhaps those not high on the foetid air that collects in the mezzanines of law school libraries? I dunno, in the last few years they've just gone full reta...oh wait we can't say that and it's OK because 'muh private biddness'.
I think libertarians are right, or at least on solid ground on many issues, but they seem to attract autists who cary every single point to a ludicrous extreme and can't percieve (or care) about the societal costs of some of their policies. This is why I've been solidly conservative for many years, which might surprise some of you but conservatism in the U.S. is what is considered Liberalism in much of the rest of the world. (It's a conservative interpretation of the constitution placing limits on government power rather than a liberal interpretation of the commerce clause allowing the government to any old thing. ) I think that there are arguments for even the more hedonistic proposals of libertarians such as legalizing drugs and prostitution, but the societal costs and other second order effects have to be taken into account and factored in by something other than the market...which will be quite happy to to sell cigarettes to kids and the ultimate end state of legalizing prostitution might well be slavery for the sex-workers. The libertarian response seems to me to be the waving of the free-market totem and a recitation of verses from the book of Hayek.
Free markets DO efficiently sort goods services and people, and will quickly find a correct price for anything, including your daughter's virginity and her organs. This is why I do not want to live in AnCapiStan.
I think that Conservatism represents a good middle path between the post-Calvanistic scolds on the American left and the sort of atheistic rapaciousness and hedonism that libertarianism seems to increasingly represent. (So much so that conservatives might one day corner the Buddhist vote.)
I don't see Libertarianism in its current form as anything so much as a, destructive, frantic, and ill-advised overcorrection to the idiocies of neo-liberalism. It does, however have the very great advantage of being nigh-infinitely preferable to the attempts by the left to correct the same problems which are actively malign rather than merely oblivious.
Still, I'll stick with the middle path for now.
UPDATE:A rather less verbose comment I made at Instapundit was the origin of this post. I was surprised to see it getting upvotes, but when I refreshed the page it had been deleted.
I'm rather fond of L. Neil Smith's first few novels, which showcase a Libertarian paradise that's held together by a cadre of people who constantly violate its fundamental principles for good reasons.
Posted by: J Greely at Sat Mar 20 16:32:42 2021 (ZlYZd)
Never been a libertarian, let alone the capital 'L' variety. Occasionally having libertarian impulses on a subject every once in a long while, yes, but I have never been a libertarian even when I was young and dumb, and definitely not a(n) (American) liberal - and believe me, I had more people than I can count who tossed the "When your young and you aren't a liberal means you don't have a heart" line me back then.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sat Mar 20 17:14:33 2021 (4i7w0)
I'm still astonished that they deleted the comment at IP, and more astonished that it was getting upvoted.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Mar 20 19:42:56 2021 (5iiQK)
I'm not sure why you're astonished that it was upvoted at IP. I'd probably have done so had I seen it. Not sure why it would've gotten deleted--usually the only thing that causes that is swear words. Now, the PJ Media site itself, yeah, they're a lot more nuke-happy, and they really hate, for example, being called cucks, so that's a word that will get your comment deleted toot suite.
Posted by: Rick C at Sun Mar 21 13:50:09 2021 (eqaFC)
Libertarians are not simply the autists.
At least one autist was able to see through the libertarian arguments to come to a conclusion of conservatism.
Libertarianism is mostly an information operation. The folks who are not in on the scam are ones who are tribal, who haven't done a full analysis yet, or who just didn't bring the right flavor of contrarian obnoxiousness to some of the sub-problems.
Any close critical analysis of conservative media recently shows how heavily riddled with information operations it is. It is more information operation scammers than forthright, careful men. (In fairness, many of them are lawyers, and lawyers in particular have their nuts in a vice.)
Conservatism has been for a long time weakened by having the official information channels within it so thoroughly suborned.
From this perspective, it is unsurprising that a space that could be third way/half way is filled by something that is almost entirely information operation.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Mon Mar 22 11:06:15 2021 (6y7dz)
Country Nearly Destroyed By Internet Troll
...or not.
Yesterday I received an Email from a friend in Arizona linking to this story, which mentions that an upcoming HBO Max mini-series will name Ron Watkins as Q-Anon himself.
The link was accompanied by a bit of a flex. "I called it! It was one of these guys into geek culture who turns out to run a ped0 website*. He was also behind GamerGate and KomicsGate! I so CALLED it. This was a huge Troll and nearly brought down our government."
While I can attest to the fact that my friend had, in fact, "called it" (moths ago in fact) I think their flex is only 80% warranted.
Now, regarding my friend, (who I have not seen since 200
I like him a lot an owe him a debt that cannot be repaid. For reasons that I will not go into here, let me say that I have tremendous respect for this dude. This is not some upper class 'influencer' shrieking incoherently about some made up effrontery. This is a person of the utmost integrity and is talented, principled and morally brave.
However, The fellow is not without some blind spots. He works in the Video Game industry and detests geek culture with a white hot hatred reminiscent of nothing so much as Principal Snyder's contempt for teenagers in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Oh pooh. I've made a useless reference and dated myself again.
Anywayyy... Weebery gets on his nerves for reasons that are understandable given his experiences. There are, however, a couple of things here that need to be talked about regarding this story.
Not only do I not condemn Watkins for that decision, I think it was both ethically correct and quite useful. The First Amendment protects speech, even the speech of that murderous degenerate. It also revealed that, while the people-shaped colostomy bag that killed all those worshippers was a member of the effete' male hen-party that is the MGTOW / InCel movement, he was also a radical environmentalist with Malthusian concerns targeting a demographic that he found concerning because of its high birth rate.
We would never have heard that if 8-Chan had not held out until it was taken down.
As to whether Watkins is "Q" I don't know. I know that his son implicated him in one of the links above, and I know that Watkins reportedly likes to shitpost and he gave some assistance to having the defenestration of the "OK" signal go viral. This is typical of the sort of performance art he is accused of, leaving something incredibly stupid as bait for SJWs to pick up, run with, and demonstrate their insanity. The big issue with much of this is that we are so far gone into clown world that these stupidities have resulted in the bait being taken but the powers that be not noticing the stupidity and running with it. This is dreadful, but also gives a good demonstration to sane people of just how crazy and/or malevolent our ruling class is.
I'm not defending the asshole but this brings us to the overly generous assessment of this shitlord by my friend.
His shitposting did NOT almost bring down the government.
This is not a defense of those who follow Q-Anon, which is deeply stupid, only a note that few of the rioters were so motivated.
Q-Anon is idiotic.
Now we should look at what Q-Anon actually believes.
There is within the federal government a cadre of dedicated civil servants who are about to arrest and execute thousands of politicians and bureaucrats many of whom look take a blind eye to ped0fi!ia and human trafficking by people who will line their pockets. That these heroes who are working implacably to capture these fiends will restore the constitution and usher in a golden age...if people just are patient and follow the plan.
So, yeah. Q-Anon is crazy.
The government is staffed by people who thwarted Trump at every opportunity and would do basically anything to protect their sweet pension.
Q-Anon is stupid.
However. Q-Anon did not almost bring down our government.
It did not come close.
The riot on the 6th was disgusting. I condemn it with the same fervency I condemned those who decided to burn loot and murder in our cities throughout this past summer. It was repellant and embarrassing.
But like the many other riots by the other side, it does not threaten the U.S. They stormed into the capitol. They went through the windows and when a policeman tasked with protecting the representatives of the people told them to stop a stupid woman walked forward and got shot.
Babbit gets no tears from me, though it is quite sad that she orphaned her kids.
As far as I'm concerned these wastes of skin can die in prison. Their juvenile tantrum has massively empowered the progressives to violate our civil rights.
And yes I get that it's not FAAAAIR that that all year long, riots terrorized and killed innocents who had no responsibility for or capacity to fix the complaints of "Anti"Fa or BLM and they were bailed out by the current VP or were allowed off scot free in all but the most extreme cases....and the capitol rioters are by contrast being hunted down like the dogs they are. I don't care.**
Life's not fair.
Part of being an ADULT is understanding that.
Don't go out and riot because a bunch of rich lefties did and got away with it. The REASON they did it is to rub your noses in the fact that they can and you can't. Work towards electing people who will change that....instead of falling into the lefts trap.
Those of us on the right have to be better, because if we are just another band of barbarian thugs then it won't really matter who wins.
Q-Anon did not and does not threaten the country. It is a stupid collection of idiocies tied together by a few strands of truth and the indefensibly forlorn hope that anyone in our ruling class is in the corner of the average American.
What does threaten the republic is that corrosive idea that there are two sets of rules, one for the favored and one for the disliked. The current trends in the country are intolerable and the mind numbingly suss election combined with the refusal to hear the election complaints in court have given an ever increasing number of people the not indefensible opinion that we can't vote our way out of this mess.
That is what will break the republic and turn the nation into an abattoir.
If anything the shitpostery that is "Q" held despair in check for some time with its admonitions to not do anything stupid and "trust in the plan". But when the courts refused to hear the election complaints, when EVERYTHING that the left does seems calculated to nurture feelings of powerlessness and rage in the middle class of flyover country, that despair is going to find a release.
I'm not defending this. It is a fact of human nature.
I am increasingly convinced that much of what the left is doing is fully intended to radicalize a good portion of the country in the hopes that the less intelligent people on the right will behave as these smoothbrains did on January 6th.
I further fear that they will be successful, because the left has made the stakes so high and there are only so many indignities that people will tolerate. The left is behaving almost exactly as the left did in Spain in the lead-up to that countries civil war, doing awful things intended to provoke a response, which in turn could be used as an excuse to crack down upon and indeed kill political enemies. In that instance, the left was surprised to find that their cruelty was not as effortless as they had hoped and ultimately were rent and defeated, but the cost was any semblance of normalcy and a dark chapter of human history that persecuted the Spanish people for over 40 years.
That is what threatens to bring down the government. Not a Shitposter and free speech advocate.
The annual revenues of the U.S.A. are between 2 and 3 trillion. Our debt is currently 28 trillion and skyrocketing. The blame for this is a completely bipartisan issue, but it is a much greater threat to the republic than some blackpilled LARPers.
The current unmoored state of our mores is another cause for concern. Perhaps the ONLY thing that "Q"says that has any validity is that that there is a cadre of very powerful people who are into very young children (Epstein was pimping those kids out to somebody of considerable means). The recent craziness involving the de-womanizing of girls sports, the prescriptions of sex changes for children as well as the scandals surrounding the Lincoln Project and Drag Queen Story Hour are such otherworldly levels of degeneracy as to bring to mind Weimar....which should beof concern to anyone who has an IQ above room temperature.
Well for some it is.
But that brings us to the greatest threat to our civilization.
See, my friend wrote on his blog a thoughtful, impassioned and emotional missive condemning the awful actions of the 6th of January. It was excellent! However, I won't link to it for this reason. He and I had discussed the riots of last summer, the protests at the Supreme Court last year and he had been equally upset and angry at those.
But there were no long pieces on his blog denouncing them. Because if there had been, my friend would not have a job.
My friend is someone who has been through hell, and is both physically and morally brave. But this is a terrifying time and one must choose where one makes one's stand carefully, because it may BE the hill one dies on.
That is the thing that I fear most. Because when we can't talk, when the conversations end ....that is when the blood is most likely to flow.
Trump was an obnoxious vulgarian, and I did not initially support him, but beyond the fact that many of his policies were solid, his vulgarity was a thumb in the eye to those who would grind us into dust and that very crudeness allowed him to serve as a sort of arrestor switch for the backlash against the excesses of the left. I fear that the coming backlash will be bereft of such a governor. And that terrifies me.
None of this is defending the crime against reason that is Q-Anon, but putting this blinkered bonehead into perspective while pointing out that there are far more immediate concerns than it.
*One note about 8-chan/Kun being a "pedo site". I frequented 8-chan and have seen 8-Kun. They are not. Both iterations of the site have had the same rules, no calls to violence, no true threats, and no KP EVER....KP does show up (in the boards one would least expect) and is constantly being taken down, by the very small staff. I suspect that the site is being targeted not only by pedos but also those who want to discredit the site. I fully admit I have no proof of that though.
** OK I actually DO care about the ones who walked in the OTHER door on the other side of the building after it was opened by security and politely ambled through the building oblivious to the awfulness going on in back. They don't need to be treated as terrorists. At all.
a) Had the whole of congress been strung up, it would have merely been bringing them to vigilante justice.
b) There was never much chance of such a impromptu force being able to actually make it through congressional security forces.
c) The whole of January 6 stinks of Pelosi stage managing things.
d) The thing about the 'BLM' riots that is most disturbing is the clear evidence of official/Democrat involvement in the stage management. Political organizations which do this stuff do not suddenly come to their senses and knock it off.
e) Which is more likely? That nominal conservatives got off their asses, and finally decided on and implemented fighting fire with fire? Or that Bowser/Pelosi just did what so many Democrat mayors and governors have been doing for years, and especially most of last year? Me? I conclude Democrats, and that the other attribution is a frame job.
f) If those that oppose the Democrats are fighting fire with fire, we will not only see the one incident. If this technique has been implemented outside of Democrat control, we will see it used again. The Democrats hunkering down in their bunker with their dear leader in DC are far from the only Democrat targets. Most of these Democrat targets remain quite unsecured.
g) I predict that fire will be fought with some other strategy.
h) Destroying the police, and denying recourse to courts will naturally increase vigilantism.
i) I don't think QAnon was true, and do not think it was ever the center of gravity to opposition to the Democrats. I did think that some of the early pushback was interesting, because it invoked the pedophile and the satanist theories to discredit Q.
This looked really weird, because those elements, on their own, are credible. i) Pedophilia is plausible if one has had any contact with a public school sex ed curriculum in the last 20-30 years. ii) As for satanism, we can be sure that communism is a heresy of Christianity. Much of the left are clearly religious communists in behavior. If we define a satanism by defensible criteria, the charge of satanism is objectively true.
The whole 'bureaucratic insider' framing is something people would want to believe, but which does not stand up to serious examination. So, the early anti QAnon stuff was an information operation. I think the theory plausible that QAnon was an information operation done with the intention of being discredited. The recent anti-QAnon stuff also sounds like an information operation, the new regime needing an Emmanuel Goldstein.
j) The regime will be brought down by its own insanity and illegitimacy. It is premature to talk of it already being brought down. In theory, it could stay in power if it was capable of restraining itself in its torment of Americans. Xi's senile pedophile jiangshi is completely incapable of providing that restraint. Policy now is set by a Gu jar of evil madness that will precipitate something, whether by in fighting or some other route. Kam Harris will not fix the situation should she take over, because she has no ability to refrain from abusing someone under her power.
k) Elections are pointless without first being able to i) control voter lists ii) avoid electronic voting machines iii) force the courts to decide disputes fairly.
l) Nobody with a law degree can be trusted. Paul Caron, taxprof dot typepad dot com, a law school dean, posted a letter dated january 12, 2021, bragging about being signatory to it. It is signed by a number of law school deans, I understand over 150. I have not learned of any of these recanting it, or being removed from their positions. Note, Glenn Reynolds is at a school whose acting head signed the thing, and that person is still acting head.
m) Before you can justly talk about fixing things with elections, you need to either restore the trustworthiness of the courts, or you need to have an alternate means of resolving disputes to the formal legal system, one that does not include people with law degrees.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Mon Mar 22 11:54:07 2021 (6y7dz)
Well, I had INTENDED to get Through this Sinister Day Without Encountering any News
Today Congressional Territorial Delegate San Nicolas decided to celebrate the Ides of March by ordering the Guam National Guard to march on the offices of Representative Marjorie Tailor Green (Q, GA). It seems that Green, as part of her general policy of saying shameful, retarded shit, had inquired as to why there were foreign soldiers from someplace called "Guam" in the U.S. Capitol. The Delegate from Guam was justifiably offended...and, being a Democrat, decided to fight ignorance with a horrifying affront to civics and military discipline.
The Guam National Guard Troops The Retarded MTG asked about are activated and stationed in the Capitol because Xo Bai Din is returning everything to totes normal.
Congress, whether they be Delegates, Representative or Senators are TOTALLY outside the chain of command. They do not give orders to troops.
Using the military to intimidate a congressional representative of the opposite party is about as junta-like as one can get.
Participating in a political action in uniform is a major UCMJ violation. When I was in, we could have faced discipline for this...given the added context of following unlawful orders from outside the chain of command might have resulted in a tour of duty at Leavenworth.
The GNG troops were either ignorant of the rules and basic military civics or did not care to follow either. Whatever the reason, this speaks to frighteningly poor training.
The same goes for the Delegate, who used the troops to make a political statement illegally, though I doubt that ignorance was a factor with him.
Given how people with power are actively destroying everything American in the US (HR.1 and allowing boys participation in girls' athletics, to name two.), why would anyone be surprised by this?
Posted by: cxt217 at Wed Mar 17 23:19:44 2021 (4i7w0)
So I encountered a story about how the ATF has shut down a website and arrested the owner for the crime of distributing schematics of auto-sears. (Auto-sears are devices one can install into a semi-auto firearm in order to convert it to full auto and perhaps not have it blow up.) The ATF, for its part is boasting that they did the thing. Oh. Also, anyone who purchased these products from this company is facing 10 years in prison and 250,000 dollar fine. Now, these schematics were printed on sheets of metal so that one could, if one had access to a machine shop, cut out a piece of metal and, if one folded it properly have an auto sear. Still. It's just schematics, plans, words, and this isn't even under the purview of the thorny problem of ITER regulations. A book on how guns work, is not that different from this, so the implications are worrisome.
But wait.
It gets worse.
This very same morning, right before I started to write this post, I stopped by Pixy's and found this story about how the CEO of a Canadian company has been indicted first by EU ministries of justice and now by Biden's justice department for having adequate encryption.
Last night, the United States Department of Justice announced that they had indicted the CEO of Sky Global, Jean-Francois Eap, and one of his associates, Thomas Herdman, for allegedly violating federal racketeering laws (RICO). Herdman is said to be a former global distributor of Sky Global devices.
"According to the indictment, Sky Global’s devices are specifically designed to prevent law enforcement from actively monitoring the communications between members of transnational criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking and money laundering."
Of course they are designed to prevent anybody from actively monitoring one's messages, whether they be ChiCom secret police, Corporate spies, Murderous spouses, Sharia enforcers, child traffickers interested in your kids, Antifa hate mobs, white nationalist thugs, or the Westborro Church. Thwarting 4th amendment violations is really just a happy bonus.
Note too, that the people indicted are not alleged to have trafficked in drugs or done anything untoward except honor their contract. They are likely to go to jail because someone who was allegedly bad might have used their service (but this is unproven because the messages the Justice Department wants to read to prove they are bad are encrypted.) If it is KNOWN that these are bad people, then the evidence that was obtained independently of reading their mail should be used to prosecute them.
The 50 cent army and STASSI, are not things we should pattern our law enforcement methods after. Two different stories, on the same day, both involving law enforcement deciding that first and fourth amendment provisions do not apply to the internet, is a troubling trend indeed.
I don't see what you're trying to say here.
The Neflix-and-chill with Kimetsu no Yaiba seems legitimate.
And, if you're trying to make a pun about Nezuko being involved, then consider that the show itself makes Zenitsu basically do it.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sun Mar 14 21:26:10 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Just that is not a series that inspires the word "chill".
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Mar 14 22:00:56 2021 (5iiQK)
I dunno, the fan-art on Pixiv suggests a lot of guys want to "chill" with her, and every other female in the show...
Posted by: J Greely at Mon Mar 15 11:51:11 2021 (ZlYZd)
Seems like the same Shonen Jump style action plotting I've been enjoying since young adulthood. So reading the manga or watching the anime might just be a relaxing lazy nostalgic return to my childhood.
For values of childhood that does not actually include what I was reading as a child.
(Joan Aiken and Rosemary Sutecliff stand out in my memories. And Jean Craighead George was actually my favorite author at one point in my life, well before I wound up a hard-line extremist in my opposition to environmentalism.)
All I know of Kimetsu no Yaiba is what I've read from the wiki. I didn't see anything there that looks unusual for the genre. Is the pacing unusually fast, the art unusually graphic, or the emotion unusually intense?
But no way am I going to watch anything on Netflix. (I watch little in the way of video, because of bugs in how I process it. And I have a fast wealth of stuff available, waiting unwatched, without needing to resort to Netflix.)
Posted by: PatBuckman at Mon Mar 15 13:02:19 2021 (6y7dz)
Bygone Babbagery
One of The Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Science Babes brings us the latest on the oldest.
(Dinosaur looking thing is unrelated.)
Scientists have used X-Rays, a watchmaker, fine manipulation tools, previous reconstructions and a Greek-English dictionary to come up with the latest, most accurate reconstruction of the oldest known mechanical calculator, the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient Greek device that was discovered in 1901 and was vastly more advanced in concept and construction that had been thought possible during that age. One of the big breakthroughs on this latest attempt was the discovery, via X-Ray that there were, inside the device, a much more complete set of instructions on how to use it than had previously been known.
I honestly don't know what Boston Dynamics is going for with regards to customer perceptions of the firm or product messaging. But they may wish to reassess their customer relationship management.
Dude. Someone clearly took their recent video set to "Do You Love Me" and overlaid the soundtrack.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Mar 8 11:00:31 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Dude. You've clearly been replaced by an android and are trying to make us less wary of the Terminator threat.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Mar 8 15:31:30 2021 (5iiQK)
Discussing methods to take out BD robots where they can hear it are fraught with potential danger, but learning how to use bolas is probably never a bad idea.
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Mar 8 22:29:22 2021 (eqaFC)
Heh, that line near the end is like a joke I made a year or two ago:
Robot Chorus Conductor: "Once more, without feeling."
Posted by: Mauser at Mon Mar 8 22:52:49 2021 (Ix1l6) a heck of a road trip but, to my astonishment not a great deal of trouble with regard to Mac operating systems.
I've judiciously avoided MAC updates after the Catalina fiasco last year, but now, as I try to get my Twitch channel up and running and do video editing, I find I need the latest OS to run the associated software.
Despite my trepidation, the update went quite smoothly. I purchased my iMac in August of 2019 and went from Mojave to the new Big Sur with no real problem.
In stark contrast to the Catalina fiasco, almost everything works.
There is an intermittent bug with the Apple Mail application not wanting to autoload occasionally. This affects me not at all, as I hardly use that app ever, linking directly into my mail accounts. On the rare occasions that it doesn't load it can be manually started.
Some older applications no longer work. I'll need to get updates for them no doubt.
The most relevant issue for me is that video files of most types no longer display thumbnails when browsing through finder. VLC works fine, but .WEBMs don't.
That's it. That's the extent of the bugs so far.
Internet works fine.
The new OS is not turning my spreadsheets into pixel salads, or locking my computer up and slowing everything down a crawl.
The interface changes seem to be an actual improvement as well.
I'm not seeing any real problems aside from the most minor issues. The Big Sur upgrade seems to be a throwback those halcyon days of yesteryear when Apple was a hardware company that produced rock solid software for its products rather than a malware company that diffidently produces some widgets.
It's been a whole week, and I'm honestly still waiting for the hammer to fall.
I write all of them in text files. Then, I copy-paste them into and publish. And if I ever want to update a post, I only edit those text files. Then, I copy-paste the whole post into the edit window. This way, I have a local copy at all times. I back them up normally (tar, GPG, Amazon S3).
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Mar 8 00:13:55 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Pete, those sound like the actions of someone who's sick and tired of losing posts and/or comments and finally got motivated to do something about it.
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Mar 8 22:30:36 2021 (eqaFC)
Alas, Dissenter lacks the "Text Area Cache" plug-in I used to use. But then, that one went through a fatally bad upgrade, so I'm sol.
Posted by: Mauser at Mon Mar 8 22:54:54 2021 (Ix1l6)
In an apparent attempt to frame the competition, 2 South African one American and a Dutch V-Tuber have disguised themselves as Hololive and are now terrorizing the necromatically impaired...and themselves...and everybody else.
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Mar 7 00:35:09 2021 (Ix1l6)
I watched about the last third. It was live when I stumbled on it at NinaNinNin's place and was still running when I posted.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Mar 7 03:22:36 2021 (5iiQK)
Streams like this I leave on in the background. Reine from Hololive ID did a seven-hour Minecraft stream which made pleasant background noises while I did other stuff on the weekend.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sun Mar 7 18:20:21 2021 (PiXy!)
Yes, in fairness "watched" is probably too strong a term, I had it on and kept switching back to it while working in other tabs...but some parts are just hypnotically silly.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Mar 7 19:32:21 2021 (5iiQK)
To laugh at Sagan’s words is to miss the point entirely: There really is only one true home for us—and we’re already here.
Lowther does a good job dismembering Shannon Stirone's twaddle, finally using this for an epic finishing move...
There was only one true home for us… the Olduvai Gorge. Until it wasn’t.
Yep. That's a 'fatality', and that should put to bed this particular nonsense.
This seems to be a big "thing" in academia right now, and has been percolating since Musk began looking like he might actually pull it off. The arguments I've seen have ranged from environmental concern trolling like this. Safety concern trolling like this and others (to my surprise including Kim Stanley Robinson) and the idea put out by Daniel Deudney and Phil Torres that allowing people off earth is itself an existential threat as people living off planet will develop with different priorities, become different cultures and there will therefore be no alternative to war. (I wish I was being silly, but that is their argument).
I'm not a big fan of terraforming for other reasons (I'm in the Gerard O'Neal/DandridgeCole camp) but Musk and Zubrin make a good case that the benefits of the tenuous atmosphere and myriad other resources make Mars a very attractive place to do one's crawling, standing and baby steps as humanity gets out of its cradle.
I'm pretty sure that is why there is now such a visceral reaction to this amongst upper class academe and those who the idea of the cosmos being sullied by the great unwashed plebians.
Providence has provided those who would micromanage our lives, via vacuum and hard radiation, a natural barrier to prevent people escaping their attentions that's far more effective than the Berlin Wall. They do not want an alternative or counterexample to the homogenized, post-discontent society they envision. The U.S. Australia, Canada, and a few others provided such safety valves in times past. To have a similar escape route unexpectedly open, just as these can taste their triumph over the human spirit must be rather disheartening.
So, while I think the more rational course is to move on from Mars to space habitats like the Stanford Torus, or O'Neil's Cylinders I do find myself willing to consider an exception to my skepticism against terraforming in the particular case of Mars. It's technically doable. (Hell, people have worked out the math on terraforming the MOON) It would be quite the scenic vacation spot and would represent a middle finger to the culture of the Handicapper General by the Culture of Excellence and Striving for Greatness and Arete. Baring the existence on Sol4 of something more advanced than a Volvox, it would harm nothing of consequence while creating vast benefits and stand as a profound testimony to the potential of Humanity and a meaningful inspiration to the children of future generations.
I'll take the future of Olaf Stapeldon over that of H.G. Wells any day of the week. Those of the opposite opinion need neither suffer nor trouble themselves about us. They can sit in repose, lords of their cradle, smugly secure in the knowledge that we deplorable fools could not possibly have survived our folly.
And perhaps many of those who go won't. It is quite true that this is an objectively wild-eyed and potentially tragic endeavor. Space is cold, (when it's not evaporatingly hot), dark, radioactive and has, to be frank, rather poor toilet facilities and ventilation. It is not for the faint of heart or the stupid or the incompetent. It's gonna be a frontier where you have to make you own fricking air. It will take years to make it safe and generations to make it comfortable and pleasant. But it will be something of real, lasting value, and that is worth risking a lot for.
It is, as they say, the truly great ones who plant trees for their descendants that they will never walk in the shade of.
There is nothing WRONG with not wanting to go into deprivation for a noble dream. In fact it's sensible. However, while I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't want to go, I'm alarmed at the surprising putch of articles demanding that this endeavor NOT BE ALLOWED.
I really fear that these people in academe and positions of societal power will do everything they can to stop this from happening, using every tool in their legislative and cultural quivers. This is a real issue and needs to be addressed.
I prefer Bishop Rings myself, but it'll probably take a while longer to start mass producing those.
I agree that keeping the pressure-release valve closed is stupid, but we're discussing people who think Marx was on to something, so "stupid" should be taken as a given.
Posted by: jabrwok at Tue Mar 9 19:17:08 2021 (T4WaI)
Space-X SN-10 was tested yesterday, the third in a series of launch tests that have been generally successful in breaking new ground, but that have also provided the public with more visceral entertainment.
Well, this time they aced the launch again.
They negotiated the tricky aerobatics again as well.
But this time they nailed the landing too!
"What'cha suppose happened to Musk's rocket 5 minutes AFTER they landed it?
In addition to asking that vital question, Mr. Manley provides us with a good overview of this inspiring and entertaining test from many different angles.
I caught this one live, and I was thinking there seemed to be a lot of flame still going on after the landing. Then they hosed it down and it seemed to be okay. Looked away for a minute, and looked back just in time to watch the SRE. (Spontaneous Reconfiguration Event.)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Fri Mar 5 01:10:28 2021 (PiXy!)
Hobby Space News of the commercial space industry A Babe In The Universe Rather Eclectic Cosmology Encyclopedia Astronautica Superb spacecraft resource The Unwanted Blog Scott Lowther blogs about forgotten aerospace projects and sells amazingly informative articles on the same. Also, there are cats. Transterrestrial Musings Commentary on Infinity...and beyond! Colony WorldsSpace colonization news! The Alternate Energy Blog It's a blog about alternate energy (DUH!) Next Big Future Brian Wang: Tracking our progress to the FUTURE. Nuclear Green Charles Barton, who seems to be either a cool curmudgeon, or a rational hippy, talks about energy policy and the terrible environmental consequences of not going nuclear Energy From Thorium Focuses on the merits of thorium cycle nuclear reactors WizBang Current events commentary...with a wiz and a bang The Gates of Vienna Tenaciously studying a very old war The Anchoress insightful blogging, presumably from the catacombs Murdoc Online"Howling Mad Murdoc" has a millblog...golly! EaglespeakMaritime security matters Commander Salamander Fullbore blackshoe blogging! Belmont Club Richard Fernandez blogs on current events BaldilocksUnderstated and interesting blog on current events The Dissident Frogman French bi-lingual current events blog The "Moderate" VoiceI don't think that word means what they think it does....but this lefty blog is a worthy read nonetheless. Meryl Yourish News, Jews and Meryls' Views Classical Values Eric Scheie blogs about the culture war and its incompatibility with our republic. Jerry Pournell: Chaos ManorOne of Science fictions greats blogs on futurism, current events, technology and wisdom A Distant Soil The website of Colleen Dorans' superb fantasy comic, includes a blog focused on the comic industry, creator issues and human rights. John C. Wright The Sci-Fi/ Fantasy writer muses on a wide range of topics. Now Read This! The founder of the UK Comics Creators Guild blogs on comics past and present. The Rambling Rebuilder Charity, relief work, roleplaying games Rats NestThe Art and rantings of Vince Riley Gorilla Daze Allan Harvey, UK based cartoonist and comics historian has a comicophillic blog! Pulpjunkie Tim Driscoll reviews old movies, silents and talkies, classics and clunkers. Suburban Banshee Just like a suburban Leprechaun....but taller, more dangerous and a certified genius. Satharn's Musings Through TimeThe Crazy Catlady of The Barony of Tir Ysgithr アニ・ノート(Ani-Nouto) Thoughtful, curmudgeonly, otakuism that pulls no punches and suffers no fools. Chizumatic Stephen Den Beste analyzes anime...with a microscope, a slide rule and a tricorder. Wonderduck Anime, Formula One Racing, Sad Girls in Snow...Duck Triumphalism Beta Waffle What will likely be the most thoroughly tested waffle evah! Zoopraxiscope Too In this thrilling sequel to Zoopraxiscope, Don, Middle American Man of Mystery, keeps tabs on anime, orchids, and absurdities. Mahou Meido MeganekkoUbu blogs on Anime, computer games and other non-vital interests Twentysided More geekery than you can shake a stick at Shoplifting in the Marketplace of Ideas Sounds like Plaigarism...but isn't Ambient IronyAll Meenuvians Praise the lathe of the maker! Hail Pixy!!